Horse Shows by Norfleet
View Show Proofs
By viewing these galleries, you are agreeing to not screenshot and share images on social media.
1. All images are property of Norfleet Photography. Sharing screen-shotted images is strictly prohibited. Those who choose to share stolen images will be fined $250 per image and will have all images of them removed from our website until this fine is paid. Please respect your show photographers.
2. These are unedited proofs. Purchased images will be color corrected, cropped, and straightened.
3. If you are ordering prints, please choose the $10 shipping option at checkout. We will not mail prints unless this is paid.
4. Social media released images are intended for sharing on social media platforms only. They may not be edited in any way.
5. Object removal, background replacements, ear replacements, etc are available for an additional charge under the "edit add ons" tab. The Norfleet team will not make any edits to images beyond basic color correcting, cropping, and straightening without the purchase of the appropriate add on.
6. By viewing this gallery, you will be automatically added to our email list. We don't sell your information, and you can unsubscribe at any time- but we do send out information about sales, portrait trips, etc.
Thank you!
-Kelsey & the Norfleet team
Frequently Asked Questions
There’s two big reasons screenshotting of show photos is not allowed: the law, and my finances.
Legally, although *you* are in the photo, Norfleet owns the photo. Therefore, if you screenshot a photo off the Norfleet website, you are stealing... and stealing is bad, friends. That image only becomes yours when it arrives in your inbox.
But if I can be transparent for a moment, sales of images at horse shows is the only way I can afford to be at horse shows. While I love my job, if I were losing money at a horse show, I would much rather be in the show pen alongside you on one of my own horses.
99.9% of the time, I am not paid by show management to be at the show. In order to be able to pay for staff, travel, accomodations, food, equipment, web hosting, liability insurance, and the other countless expenses that come with being a horse show photographer, images need to be sold. In an ideal world, I’d make enough off horse shows to be able to re-invest into the business, pay my rent, or maybe even show my own horses. It’s a REALLY good horse show if that happens. With that $35 web image, a good chunk of that goes to taxes & business expenses- I can promise you I’m not getting rich off photographing horse shows, I largely do it because I love it!
The Pick 5 and Pick 10 packages are our most popular packages!
They include your choice of Social Media Released images, 4x6 Prints, and/or 5x7 prints- any of the products priced at $35.
These are our most customizable package, allowing you to mix & match to fit your needs. As long as there are at least 5 (for the pick 5) or 10 (for the pick 10) items in your cart at the $35 price point, the discount will be automatically applied- no coupon code needed!
For instance, your Pick 5 could be:
-5 different social media images, OR
-4 social media images and one 5x7 print, OR
-5 different 4x6 prints, OR
-2 copies of your favorite photo as a 5x7 (one for mom and one for you), a matching social media image for each of those for Facebook, and a 4x6 print for grandma’s fridge
... pretty cool, right?
Pick 5 and Pick 10 packages cannot be applied retroactively, and cannot be used across multiple shows. They can, however, be split among friends- as long as you’re cool with them all going to one email address.
Images uploaded to the Norfleet website are straight out of camera. All purchased images receive basic edits, including color correcting, cropping, and adjustments to lighting. Additional edits- like removing objects from the background, removing a stain from where your light colored horse decided to use his manure as a pillow the night before, or putting your horse’s ears forward, are available for an additional charge. These extra edits can be found on the “EDIT ADD ONS” tab when you click “BUY PHOTO.” There is an option to add comments at checkout- please use this option, as hard as I try, I am not a mind reader.
All photos, with the exception of halter classes, are sorted by back number. Halter classes are sorted by division & sex (ie, amateur mares will contain amateur yearling mares, amateur 2 year old mares, amateur 3 year old mares, amateur aged mares, and amateur performance mares).
To see options for purchasing photos, simply click the “buy photo” option on your screen. It is olive green. If you’re on a desktop computer, it will be in the upper right hand corner. If you’re on your phone, it will be HUGE on the bottom of the screen when you click on the photo.
The quoted timeframe for image delivery is:
Digitals: 1-2 Weeks
Prints: 4-6 Weeks
That being said, we shoot for MUCH, MUCH less. If you’re ordering right after the show concludes, you’ll likely have your digital images within 1-2 business days (if not same day) and your prints within 1-2 weeks.
PLEASE do not call or email me within minutes or hours of ordering asking why you have not gotten your images yet. While my team is fast, we are human- we do need to sleep & work on other orders from time to time. We edit images in the order they were purchased, unless you’ve paid a rush fee. Images that have extra edits added on to them, like removing an object or changing the background, will take a few days longer than images without edits.
I don’t make my phone number accessible to the public. If you’d like to hop on a phone call, I’m MORE than happy to! However, as a mother and business owner, I like to schedule these things to ensure I have some amount of work/life balance- and to make sure I’m in a place to actually be able to help you! I can’t help with show related questions if I’m sitting on my horse or giving my daughter a bath. If you have a question or need assistance, and the phone is your preferred form of contact, please shoot me an email or a message on Facebook and we can set up a time to chat!